Warning: This review does not contain ACTUAL spoilers, because there is no substance to the story to spoil in the first place.

This lead character is so whiny and pitiful and honestly just stupid. It’s like “go outside the property and you could die!” Lead character 4 days in after losing her mother and almost dying, “but I miss the city life and want good coffee! Poor me!” Then forces people to take her on an “outing” and is shocked they get attacked. And yet she still tries to run off a few more times, each time again almost dying! Her reasons to run are because she is BORED and doesn’t like their rules. She is supposed to be an adult here..

I think it could have a good story line with substance, but that is ruined with all characters being shallow like a reality TV show over-actor. Imagine some of the best fantasy stories you can think of: LOTR for example, except Frodo is worried about his damn coffee and which brother he wants to kiss more, oh yeah and after chapters and chapters covering teen romance drama, then he will do something interesting that actually pertains to the storyline. The humor in this story is the equivalent of Disney channel sitcoms as well. Tbh, I’m writing this review while listening to the last hour of the book… I’m forcing myself to finish but dear god make it stop.

Pros: Good book to fall asleep too. Narrator is monotone and slow paced. And if you wake up and can’t remember where you left off, it’s ok I’ll catch you up now: she still doesn’t understand what she is, Ethan and her still have drama and “hate” each other just like any Degrassi couple before they have sex in a high school bathroom, and the pack still treats her like an outsider. Boom, you missed nothing!