I am just gonna leave this right here. When Jack’s friend told Keri Ann that he thought the two of them were ridiculous, I couldn’t agree more. Not even star crossed. Just plain ol’ ridiculous. Keri Ann is the quintessential southern girl. Once they set their sight on something their heart desires, they know exactly how to get it. Knowing what men want, and knowing when to press and when to squeeze, are talents every good southern woman has in her arsenal. Mommas pass it down to their daughters like they do the treasured family recipes for fried chicken and chess pies. Jack is awesome and doesn’t deserve Keri Ann’s confused rejection and scorn. But she weaponized those things in order to bag her quarry. She knew when her words and actions didn’t match how she felt, but she kept up the guise to get to the desired outcome. Manipulation tactics trigger me. No exception here.

Still, I can imagine this as a cute movie. They should just smoosh the the books together and make one movie or a series. The exasperation factor always works.