I thought book 1 was good but written for young adults as the main character was so young and naive for lack of a better word. I gave this one a try as it was free and figured it would be okay if not just decent. Sadly it was a disappointment all around. The female narrator is good but the male is terrible. The plot line is ridiculous in that Jack doesn’t contact Kerri Ann for over half a year and instead is seen with several other women, all in the name of protecting her against Audrey Lane. The annoying thing is he easily could have notified her the “old fashioned way” e.g pen and paper, sent a message through a friend, etc. He knew he took her virginity and she was therefore going to be more invested in him then had he been her second, third, fourth, etc sexual partner. You expect more from your first especially when you also have an emotional connection, at least most people do, not all, but most.
A lot of reviews said they didn’t like how wishy washy Kerri Ann was about forgiving Jack and that annoyed them. I actually thought her reaction was justified and also normal had this been a story based on reality. She had liked him, slept with him, and was envisioning a relationship with him all of which he supported and then he just ups and leaves her with no contact for months on end before showing up out of the blue and wanting back into her life. She was right to be wary and afraid he’d just leave her again. He’d shown her nothing to expect any differently.
I have no issues with sex scenes in romance novels as their both hot and a part of real life relationships but the sex scenes in this book take up way too much space and are far too poetic. You can show an emotional connection to sex in far fewer words and visuals than does this author. It seemed to be just fluff and filler and I ended up fast forwarding through some of it as I was so checked out from the story and characters at that point that I found myself just wanting to finish the book and move on.