I don’t know what happened with this book. I took me over a month to get through. Narrator didn’t help but the story line was weak and repetitive. It consisted off, ”Traveling back in time to save Pritkin, getting chased, getting in trouble, getting beat up or thrown around, panicking, getting shoved back to her own time, rinse, repeat” for 90% of the book. I seriously took naps while listening to this book and missed nothing. By this time I would expect Cassie to be getting a handle on her power and be half-way competent. But she’s still reacting to everything and everyone. I understand she’s under a lot of stress but by the second or third time the Past Pythias keep showing up to stop her, she should start planning for it!! Instead she keeps bumbling along.

I hope the next book is more streamlined, some actual plot happens (we got a nice cliffhanger at the end of this book) and Cassie actually puts what she’s learned to use!!