This is book 8 in the Cassie Palmer series. I really like the series but I am having some issues with it. First let’s talk about character development. Cassie is our lead but she has developed the least of anyone in the book. She hasn’t gained any more control of her powers… She hasn’t learned any physical tactics… she hasn’t had an “aha” moment on whose pulling the strings… she is the same exact Cassie from book 1. At this point, it makes her come off as incompetent.

Then we have the timing of the book. From book 1 to book 8 it seems only about 4 months have passed. Really? I’ve been binging these books and even I feel that more time should have gone by that that.

I feel things are getting a bit repetitive. Once again Cassie is still trying to save Pritkin… Cassie is constantly naked or without shoes… Cassie barely makes it back when she travels to the past… again, it’s book 8 lets wrap this up…

Another thing is this authors need to put characters from other books in her novel. I mean it’s ok to mention them… but she goes so far as to make Merlin a main character, travels to Camelot, and putting her own spins on events that happened. Now if this was a remake then go for it. But this is a completely different story… what’s t he point. Come up with your own characterrs and make it more original.

I truly dislike the use of these famous people of the past being used in this fashion. Rafael is a vampire. Wouldn’t he be super famous if not rich? He still could paint even if he used a different name. She also uses Casanova as a pretty main character. And now with this book, I feel it’s gone overboard. Stop the madness.

What I’d like for the next book is for Cassie to grow a backbone. There was a spark when Cassie denies Mircea a series request, but I have a feeling she will flop. I have high hopes for the Cassie Palmer series and I want it to continue just not to repeat over and over again.

Thankfully there wasn’t another narrator change. The audio version is on narrator number 3. It’s funny because the first narrator was the best one. Now I’d be happy to just keep the same one.