The idea behind this was great, however the execution lacked, quite a bit!

I never figured out why Adam was supposedly a “Beast” other than having broad shoulders and a beard? And some of the scenes made absolutely NO sense, except for the author desperately trying to squeeze in scenes from the Disney movie, which didn’t suit the plot of this retelling of the story.

This is insta-love at it’s crappiest. The two go on a date, kiss once, state that they will not sleep together until after they are married and then continue on using the rest of the date discussing their marriage – not their wedding, but their actual marriage. Completely unironically!

Not sure what exactly the author was going for, there was an “action theme” – with the evil Gaston kidnapping Belle and her father. Where Belle continually tells the reader that she is a black belt in karate, yet we never see her fight back, not even once! There’s an “the villagers do not understand us” theme and there is the supposed romance. But neither of the themes are developed in any way and I kept thinking I was missing something vital…

This is book 2 in the series of “Real Life fairytales”, but I don’t think it would have helped much to read the first.

The book get 1 star, the narration 2. Final score: 1.5