The last book in this series was so exciting. This one is the complete opposite. Where the last was filled with 20 hours of action and time jumping, this one was 20 hours of feelings and talking.

Be prepared to learn how Cassie feels and have her talk about it for hours. She is extremely emotional in this book. She matures in decision making skills but then spends h as of the book in self doubt and pity. All the way past Chapter 22 is just characters talking. Nothing happens at all.

I found it utterly boring. It was fall asleep boring. I zoned out a few times and then went back. It was like that sports commercial where the fan looks away for a second and a goal is scored. I kept going back because I figured I’d missed something. Well I hadn’t.

What I love about this series is the world building. In that aspect things are still spectacular.

So here are my issues:

Chapter 9 has this awkward scene where Augustine is trying to convince Cassie to be more welcoming to her Court… it just felt off…I understand where the author was going but the road there was bumpy.

Why cant Cassie just get one of the Necromancers to pull up Mirna’s dezd6 wife so he can apologize and be forgiven?… This way there isn’t any issue with breaking the timeline.

This series has changed narrators too many times. I hope she sticks with this one.

Favorite Quote “I got 99 problems but this chick ain’t one” – Cassie 🤣 So I guess they have Jay-Z in this universe.

2 Stars 🌟🌟- Decent. Has Potential. Possibly a good idea for a story but something could have been better. Doesn’t mean I hated it. Just means it was missing something to push it over the hump..