LOMAO!!! I had a great time with this book, it had me tearing up with both emotion and laughter a number of times. I love how much Cassey’s competence with both her power and her office was on full display in this book, while still giving us all a good laugh with some of her usual….Casseyisms. Honestly the only things i think there are to complain about are nitpicks that are more based on preference then anything else. Though i will say the narrator was a bit incongruous at times. mostly i just noticed that she spoke slowly and softly at times i thought there should have been more ooomph, like a battle or two. though her performance the rest of the time was awesome.

For anyone who might be interested my personal nitpicks are as follows. I dislike love interests who are more obstacle then support, not nearly as bad here as with other urban fantasies but it still pops up enough that i was hoping Cassey would give Pritkin a verbal or physical (i’m not picky) slapdown at some point. 2. Really not a big fan of Pritkin’s bigotry and racism, or of no one ever calling him on that either. 3. Lol Cassey’s inner monologue’s go on way way WAY too long. Multiple times i yelled out loud “DO IT ALREADY!!!” 4. My head cannon was seriously hoping for Cassey and Dory to be the one’s who try to retrieve Elaina. Sigh, my hopes for an epic girlmance are crushed one more.

In the end the book was great and i can’t wait for the next one!!!