So: I’m 22 ours in- about 30 left to go. I really like the world of the story. I really like the attributes of the characters that make them unique from one another. Overall so far- in general it’s an interesting read.
My one major problem which is why I’m writing a review only 22 hours in is that I feel like Skye has no passion or personality. I don’t think it’s just the way the narrator chose to deliver the lines. Example of a situation: Ethan kisses Skye.
Skye: hm.
Skye walks in on Ethan and Chris doing the dirty.
Skye: I observed this situation. Anyway here are my observations on this other situation.

It feels so robotic. It is absolutely possible to have a kick ass female lead character without her fawning all over the guy character or dramatizing every romantic situation. Her reactions just don’t feel genuine. Even if she isn’t a dramatic or grudge holding person, I expected more of a reaction to her walking in on Chris and Ethan together as slightly more. Or rather I guess, I’d have enjoyed it if we got to see her reaction, process her feelings, compartmentalize, then go kick ass. Take us on that journey of emotion with you.
Having no opinion at all just took my interest in the character away a bit.

That’s all; I’ll edit this review if it gets better as I listen!