LitRPG is not really my genre but because of all the reviews I decided to give this a try.

I loved there were so many different connected game worlds.

The narration is excellent and the characters mostly likable.

Especially the first book had a lot of charm. Books 2 and 3 I liked less. (3 was better than 2 though)

I think this omnibus would be more fitting in the children’s section/ genre.

It has a really big ‘family friendly vibe’ and I think it is great to listen to with your children, while enjoying it yourself too.

But, listening to this story as an adult (alone) I did feel like I was missing a lot.

I was mostly bothered by the believability. Not of the game world, or things that happen, but by how the main character acts.

For me, Esil didn’t act like a person who (as long as he can remember) has spent his whole life in a box.

The outside world, fresh air and luxury seemed to grow on him awfully fast, and that made it less believable/ immersive to me.

He also acts unlikable at times, putting me off. (joke about eating vegetables to children who have never even eaten ‘real food’ and abandoning a crying friend)

The narration was excellent, but I personally didn’t like the sound effects.

They made me flinch a lot of the time, seemingly coming out of nowhere. I don’t think it was necessary or well executed.