Ok picture this. Someone who almost kills you, they literally fried your brain, but thankfully a Cleric was 10 feet away so you didnt die. This same someone kidnaps your best friend and leaves a note telling you to come alone or they will kill your friend. You show up and get in a fight and almost die again but a sudden burst of power puts your enemy down but they arent out. You start to go untie your friend but you hear the bad guy LIMPING their way to you, since you have 20 seconds to react you decide to watch moss grow on the side of the tree and OMG surprise bad guy almost kills you AGAIN. Thankfully another surge of power saves your life and you knock down the bad guy by stabbing them in the knee. Since you dont want to be the bad guy you drop your dagger right by the bad guys hand and turn around and once again walk to your friend. Then BAM bad guy stabs you in the side with your dagger! OMG who could of thought someone who tried to kill you multiple times would pick up your dagger and stab you with it???? AMAZING.

Not verbatim but pretty close.