Steve Nile’s short story series about Cal McDonald, a human private detective solving cases in a dark, urban fantasy world, is gripping, gross, and hilarious all at the same time. In this complete series, you get 13 hours of paranormal noir crimes, ghoulish monster mayhem, and a cast interesting and unique characters that give Cal a reason to keep his glass full. Cal flirts between excessive wise-guy-attitudism and grim depression episodes but he is an honest man and lives within an inch of his life everyday as he fights off vampires, werewolves, zombies, and the whole lot. all in all, an excellent and horrific series that keeps your interest from story to story.

This audiobook is brilliantly narrated by Eric Bryan Moore, whose voice nails the mixture of satirical, zany humor and dark, temperamental tones presented in the series.

Overall, I highly recommend the series especially if you’re already into the graphic novel series this audiobook is based on, and am looking for more stories in this franchise.