I tripped over The Flaw in all Magic on my Facebook page, which seemingly is filled with bk ads, ’cause I like books, I friend a lot of Authors and Narrators! So this one got my attention (not many do) the blurb sounded like it would be right up my alley. I noticed that it was whispersync’d (definitely a plus). I was still on the fence, but then I tried the audio snippet! Recognizing Travis Baldree voice immediately, well that broke the stalemate knocking me right off the fence, I immediately grabbed the book. It’s soooooooo good, it’s now showing prominently on my GR favorites list as one of the best books that I’ve read this year!
The main character, Tane lives in a magical world, but he possess no magical abilities getting by with only wit and cleverness! Which is definitely one of my favorite tropes! Tane hooks up with with a kickass half orc Kadka and together they make quite a team as they investigate a homicide!
So grab the book and let Travis take you away!