This was a pretty easy read and I like the humor, it’s a bit of a slow burn and by the 75% mark I was just kind of waiting for it to be done. Don’t get me wrong- Henry and Reed are very cute together and I love their chemistry- I just got bored with the story towards the end. I also really disliked the narrator- He had great emotion and made the characters real, it was just the way he narrated was kinda uncanny valley- like I couldn’t tell if it was a guy sitting there reading the book, or a soundboard of all the words in the book out together. It was just really off putting- Absolutely nothing to do with the accent- I would actually love more M/M romances set in modern Australia.
Anyway- without continuing to ramble- this book and performance are ok. Nothing too crazy, but there are some very sweet moments, some steamy moments, and the ending is super cute. Give it a go if you’re a fan of romantic comedies and especially m/m romantic comedies.