So the ridiculously OP MC is a fun part about this story but there are irritating storyline inconsistencies where he’s nerfed when it serves but get’s full powered and then self-nerfs. All this in the entirely unbelievable fighting tournament against sociopaths with gladiator rules and where it’s optional to accept the opponent’s surrender and murder is explicitly encouraged. All with a bunch of young kids <20 who have *hundreds* of years of life ahead of them. And the big prize? Getting to meet the king… when the whole point of not just showing up with god-like talents and asking to talk to him is to keep a low profile… you know by winning the aforementioned tournament. Real subtle work there.

It’s so brain dead that the fun parts got ruined. I mean, to add insult to injury, after letting one of his team die, he finally barely manages to beat the “big boss” only to escape from jail and spank the same king who they were trying to meet the whole time and I just give up. It’s gratuitous and normally not a big deal to suspend disbelief but this book was too much.