1st I want to say. I only bought into this series because books 1 and 2 were combined. Books 3 and 4 being combined kept me going. Smart move combining them cause I’m not paying for 6 hour stories.

Books 1 and 2 were an absolute dream. I mean… solid. VERY solid. Book 3 was weird because the MC grows a bit and advances in power but then goes to school. A school of absolute morons apparently. Everyone is a genius. Look – if everyone is a genius then nobody is a genius. Further – if everyone is a genius then why do the teachers suck? Anyways – that’s fine. I could live with his ridiculous first day at school and move on.

*****Light spoiler warning****

This series officially jumped the shark when it started bouncing back and forth to every single perspective of every single event. I mean.. what the heck was the author thinking? Side characters get a whole chapter of their thoughts on this or that. People you barely hear from are now important and who the hell knows where the people running the school went while the place literally burns down??

The good :

• Book 3 and some of Book 4 are fun.

• Travis is amazing. Its not his fault the author jumped the shark on a super solid series out of nowhere.

• The MC and his bond are awesome. Until they aren’t – out of nowhere.

The Bad:

• Book crippling – waste of time nonsense with the different perspective hopping. I almost clicked NEXT CHAPTER like 4 times just to skip past the nonense that means NOTHING.

• The MC was a genius. Then he fell asleep at the wheel and drifted into the median and so far hasn’t woken up. He was a training montage master – passing everyone. Then he just… stops? What? Why?

• Power creep is real. It’s a problem.