This is a gritty and very erotic read about Venom and Ridley. It is the first story in the “Dixie Reapers MC”. It can be read or listened to as a stand alone book. The story may contain some triggers for some and is a touch dark. Ridley’s parents divorced when she was young and her mother remarried and rarely let her see her father. He is a member of the Dixie Reapers MC in Alabama. She lives in Florida with her mother and stepfather. She is nineteen and about to run to her father when a man comes to their house for dinner. After over hearing their plans she bolts and heads straight for her dads club. Luckily she is helped a long the way and is able to safely make it there. Venom sees her and remembers the little angel and his goes all alpha and protective. I like the story. These two are very combustible together and definitely burn up the pages. I will say the part where he confronts her mother and stepfather was a bit of a challenge to get through. It does have some sensitive subject matter though.