DNFing at chapter 60. I get the idea, but it’s just not for me. It’s a little boring. Part of my problem is that I was trying to listen to this on Audible, and I really think this is the kind of book I need to try in hard copy. I may try it again one day, but for now, I’m done. There’s a lot of expository discussion of climate science and policy…a lot, and it’s interesting but really makes the underlying narrative with the characters disjointed. The Audible producers seem to have prioritized hiring readers from around the world rather than hiring voice actors who could make the story come to life. Some of the readers are fine, particularly the one for chapter one, but those for whom English is not their first language don’t get the phrasing and inflections quite right. Plus, rather than one voice per character, there’s a different reader or two per chapter. This, even when a recurring character comes back, they aren’t necessarily read in the same voice or with the same attitude. Since they don’t identify themselves at the start of the chapter, I’ll be listening to some long monologue about the climate before they say something that reveals which character is speaking/thinking. I can definitely see why this book, probably in text form, was one of Barack Obama’s favorites a couple years back.
Review from The Ministry for the Future →