I feel cheated by this book. Sorry for the spoilers, but the ending of this book caught me by surprise. I have followed Mr. Wong through all six books and loved the way the author wrapped up the storyline in each of the previous five with a fairly good positive ending. Throughout this book we struggled with our hero not being able to see that he walked away from his soul mate early in the story when he moved off his old ship to start his “Owner’s Share” journey. After a long, slow, series of events they finally reunite for a few chapters only to have her tragically killed off. The story throws in a plot twist to attempt an explanation for this event and ends rather abruptly without bringing closure for any of the characters. I started this series by listening to the first two books from the Plus Catalog then purchasing the next four, so my investment for this series was almost $50. Maybe I am just a sucker for fairy tale type endings, but this book left me feeling depressed and wanting a more positive outcome.