Y’all. Where in the world do I even begin to tell you how much I absolutely love this book?! If I’m being honest, love is an understatement! What’s bigger than love? Because whatever it is, that’s what I feel for this book! 

You know when people ask you who your favorite fictional couple is and you freak out because there are just SO many of them? I mean, how can you pick just one?! It’s not possible! Well. If you were to ask me that right now, hands down, it would be Charlotte and Drake! These two are fantastic!

Charlotte is beautiful, feisty, sassy, sarcastic, fun, loyal, loves fiercely, is not afraid to be real, and is the best friend, sister and mom. Drake is gorgeous, debonair, broody, lost, doesn’t do feelings, hates to be humanized, and, even though he’d never admit it, has an amazing heart and has so much love to give. 

The journey of Charlotte and Drake was so real, so raw, so heart achingly beautiful. You can’t help but cheer them on while watching them figure out how to wade through the rough waters of life. Life threw them some curveballs and there were things that could’ve torn them apart but their love for each other held them together and made them stronger. I read a quote recently that fits Charlotte and Drake perfectly. “If two hearts are meant to be together, no matter how long it takes, how far they go, how tough it seems, fate will always bring them back together.”

I would be remiss to leave out little Jameson. Y’all. I loved this kid! He’s the best! I found myself busting out laughing time and again with his antics. You can’t help but fall in love with this little guy. He’s absolutely perfect and just who Drake needs to snap him out of his broodiness. The bond between this father and son was a special one.

Y’all. Clear your schedules and prepare yourself for the ultimate book hangover! Once you pick this book up, you are not going to want to put it down! And the moment you finish it, you may or may not want to start it all over again. This book has all the feels and will have you swooning like there’s no tomorrow!

I am still in awe of Ms. Peel’s talent. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Every time I think I’ve found my new favorite book of hers, she turns to her next couple and says: “Hold my Dr. Pepper. I’m about to prove her wrong… again!” This book is a perfect example of why she is and always will be one of my favorite authors. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next! 

As for the narration, Ms. Kay does a phenomenal job! She has this way of bringing everything to life and makes it easier for me to picture being right there in the moment with the characters. I’m hoping she does more of Ms. Peel’s books.