Just read chapter 27 to understand that the author has never read a book on economics.

He is not only equating economic systems to morality – which I have a problem with, as he is essentially demonizing entire swats of the population.

But it’s worse than that – the author not only misrepresents the systems he is “borrowing” for his fake fantasy “fights” …but he does so by INVERTING the traits of the two opposing economic systems.

In his ignorant mind, Capitalism disregards personal choice and only benefits broader society… while socialism apparently is not about the collective, but the individual.
Like what the H is this backwards world about.

Bottomline, when I buy a fantasy book, I want fantasy. Not to be lectured about the author’s political ideology.
But if you are a rude fantasy author that MUST lecture, at least dont rub it in our faces and disguise it into the story…not literally borrow pieces from reality
And if you MUST be a rude fantasy author that insists on grabbing unaltered pieces of reality for your fantasy novel… at least don’t explicitly make fun of one major side and demonize a lot of your readers

And if you really really MUST be a rude fantasy author that insists on portraying literal reality AND do so in a way that mocks your readers… at the very least get the political and economical ideologies you are representing right, vs essentially mixing up the labels of major opposing ideologies.

This is like onion levels of adding insult to injury