Fairly early in this book we are introduced to a major character (Adrian) that the narrator voiced using the exact same character voice as another major character in this universe (a god called the Hippie). Being an astute reader (listener), I was sure that this wasn’t a coincidence and that soon this character would be revealed to be the Hippie, but that never happened. I was wrong about any connection between the characters, but was distracted by this. Did Stifle run out of voices in his repertoire and had to re-use this one? Apparently, and disappointingly, as it detracted from an otherwise very good addition to this universe. There did seem to be some mechanics challenges in the main character’s leveling vs stats (i.e., I didn’t quite get how he didn’t level at all for so long since his training should have conferred experience that would have resulted in leveling) and timing (his stat bumps from training seemed to occur in a very compressed timeframe). Despite these challenges, I really liked this addition to the series and look forward to getting back to Jason next time.