some spoilers ahead
I got what I came to this book for. Let’s face it, anyone who listened to this listened to it for the same reason people watch a lot of Isekai anime. they was to see stupid overpowered character A wreck slightly less OP character B. bonus points if character B is arrogant.
that’s what I came here for and I’m not gonna complain about it.
That being said, there’s a few things that drag it down. The side characters POV swaps seem pointless. there’s some good story there if we got more of it, but a lot of it feels tacked on just to remind us the characters exist instead of tell a story. It’s like we got snipits from a more fleshed out other book.
And let’s go ahead and address the Deus Ex Machina in the room. It was already kinda bad in book one, but none of it really felt like they were showing up to give Torga exactly what he needed right then and there. in this one, he just kinda gets what he needs right when he needs it.
and then there’s the stuff that didn’t go anywhere. I was actually really happy to find a litRPG-ish story without needing to worry about stats. and then they got added in and… didn’t really do anything. Well, they gave us a way to visualize scale, but that didn’t matter half the time anyway.
and then there the dark serpent evolution. I kinda knew it was gonna happen the moment it got introduced. But once it did… didn’t really do anything.
within a few chapters he learns a fix to all his problems or it’s handed to him.
and all that nitpicking is why I took off one star. the second is cause of his wife.
She just shows up. no real explanation about how she knows some of the characters either. Torga hasn’t really been searching for her, he didn’t have to fight for her, he didn’t have to fight against her because she thought he was a monster. His greatest motivation for everything he’s done so far and it just falls into his lap. it feels cheep and anticlimactic.
anyway, that’s my rant. like I said, I got what I bought book two for, all the ridiculous godzilla man kicking ass and taking names I wanted. it just got dragged down by a few shortcomings and underdeveloped plot.