While an interesting premise, I just wasn’t impressed. Whether that was the narrator or the writing itself (or a bit of both). There wasn’t a lot of emotion in the reading which made the sparse action feel flat. The voices weren’t bad and I could consistently tell which character was talking, however that brings me to my main issue: the amount of times the author used “he said, she said, character name said. It was constant and many times unnecessary. Even without the voices I knew who was talking yet the authors constant use of he said she said at almost every line of dialogue was jarring. At the very least use something other than said. The few times he used, asked or replied I found myself breathing a sigh of relief.
I read a few complaints about the romance part of the story and I generally agree with them, however I will say I’m not the biggest fan of romance in general in novels but some is fine. I didn’t feel it added a lot to the story. Some of the dialogue made me cringe a little but that also happens a lot with romance dialogue for me anyway so that could just be my problem and not anyone else’s. There was a couple times I did smile so it probably wasn’t that bad.
I would have liked to see a bit more detail in the world building/tech. Now I’m not one to only enjoy hard science, I really like Star Trek and Star Wars and those are by far not hard science, but I believe just a little bit more detail would have paid large dividends.
With all that said, I am intrigued where the story is going and am going to try and check out the rest of the series.