I’m incredibly humbled by the bravery and forthcoming of information by Robert Monroe in a time where there was no internet. No easy access to a shred of supporting evidence to calm one’s mind. Can you imagine having this terrifying experience in an age where there is no near reaching hand of support in sight? All of this and to continue with a childlike deep sense of charismatic curiosity into the literal void of our existence in it’s entirety. As someone who has had half a dozen OBE’s I can attest to the weight such experiences bring. I thank Robert Monroe deeply for his analytically based accumulative efforts of evidence. Why does our society not discuss or enrich these abilities? Most likely due to control and fear. It is the most terrifying thing you can do. His caution should not be taken lightly in the “preliminary exercises” chapter. Once achieved, your idea of reality will forever be altered with not many within your close vicinity to offer any form of relatable aid. Perhaps the control is based on not needing to rely on a church or someone else as to go through for spiritual connection with god or the nature of all reality. This would tamper the income of many an organization.