This book (series) was on a few recommendation lists of those I had come to trust. Still, I was hesitant after reviews. And for a good chunk of the beginning I wasn’t feeling it.

I don’t know if it’s from editing or just how the book was written but there are regular bits that stuck out as… repetitive might be the best way to explain? Descriptive redundancies and overuse of poetic analogies. And I mean back to back paragraphs! I dunno- I’m no professional critic to offer any real analysis. It just felt a little “early works” to me.

But as the story progressed I found myself more and more invested. I think the world behind the story is very interesting and is set up well enough. I hate the ending, mostly because it doesn’t really conclude anything. Seems way more focused on starting up an overarching mystery / the beginning of the the next chapter in the series after roughly introducing new identities to characters we’ve been following for the majority of this one!

Overall, I enjoyed it and will grab the next title in the series. If someone you share tastes with suggests this book, I would recommend it. Might not be your next favorite thing, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be enjoyable. Cheers!