As always, Soundbooth Theater did an amazing job with this book. The narrators all did an excellent job of bringing the world to life.
That said, the story was somewhat lacking at times. The author often had transitions that were difficult to follow, a scene often transitioning from one moment to the next with stark changes happening that had me rewinding the book several times before I figured out what the hell was going on.
I also somewhat had a hard time really coming to terms with the believability of the characters personalities. I found that all of the characters were somewhat cardboard like, that they all bordered on replaceable.
The magic system in the book was pretty interesting, but often I felt like it changed and shifted in ways that made little sense, based on what plot hole it needed to fill at the time. This was especially true with Asterisks upgrade system. Similarly, many things that happened in the book so very often just went unexplained, the story simply expecting us to accept that magic, uh… finds a way. Meanwhile in the next moment the author would spend a whole 10 minutes trying to explain the most inane thing that had little bearing on the story or really anything other than to prove that he knew some things about physics.
So anyway, at the end of the day, will I listen to more of this series when/if it comes out? Probably, yes. In spite of everything, the story is actually fairly entertaining, though I’m curious if that’s mostly thanks to the narrators.