Any additional comments?
Joel Leslie does a terrific job with the character voices and Devotion is simply a pleasure to listen to.

He is, in fact, the reason I didn’t hurt something when I realized that yes, I remember I had enjoyed reading this story, but, uh oh, I’d forgotten about the truly awful miscommunication and heartache that could have been cleared up WITH ONE SINGLE CONVERSATION.

For almost half of the story Tanner and Finley are separated. However, once they’re reunited the sexy times begin and I have one word for you: KNOTTING.

So, yes, the sexy times are sexy, but lordie, I wanted to wrap my hands around Tanner’s throat and throttle him.

Regardless of the miscommunication, I enjoyed the dual POV and getting to see both Tanner and Finley’s sides, the flow is good, and the world building entertaining enough to keep the reader/listener engaged until the end, helped largely by Leslie’s narration.

I’m looking forward to getting Jamie’s story on audio next!