These are part of a series and while individual characters’ story arcs diverge after the 1st book, Five Roads to Texas – they also start to come back together in some ways. Definitely best to listen to them in order (and all of them!). Also, this review may contain spoilers to previous books.

I loved, loved this one! I know a lot of it is really getting to know these characters and enjoying having this shared history of all going through all this with them. Starting right after the end of For Which We Stand, this one has a lot of action. Alternating chapters help introduce a new town and its survivors – not only of the infected but of a gang that has taken over.

I always love it when an author writes strong and respected female characters. Not only does Ian’s right hand woman, Kinsey, continue to be her amazing self – but there’s new female characters who find their strength and become vital members of the team.

I want to gush about how much I loved this – but don’t want to spoil anything. I just bought Indivisible and can’t wait to dive in.

Note: While Amazon/Audible lists The Days Before as the next book in the series, it’s actually a prequel. It can be read before or here.


Andrew B Wehrlen continues to be THE voice of the Five Roads characters. I listened to this all in one day and am enjoying binging the series.