3.5 Stars for me!

My rating range of this story… 3 – 3.75 Stars
If significant, why?

Main Character Ratings…
H = 7/10
h = 7/10 (all)

Narrator Rating(s)
M = 9/10
F = 8-9/10
If below 5/10,why?

Was cheating involved? No
Any major triggers to be aware of? No

If Comedy… Type? Funny moments
Genuinely Funny
Cringe Inducing
Just No!

Angst Level? Light
Light, Moderate, Heavy or Please Stop
3 Stars for me!

Internal Monolog? Light to Moderate
Light, Moderate, Heavy or Please Stop

Scenes with heat… Yes
What point does it start? 5%
How much of the story? 25% (60% conversation)
Anything beyond M/F? Yes
If yes, explained m/f/f/f

Heat Rating… 10/10
Clean or Fade to Black – 1 or 2
Normal to Descriptive 3-5
Detailed Descriptive Sex – 6-7
Um, Wow, Beyond Descriptive Sex – 8 or above

Was there so much sex or unrealistic sex that you rolled your eyes and/or skipped forward?

The back story… Continuation from book 1. Charm gets captured and the harem works to get her back.

The Romance… Non really. Think of 18-21 year olds fully drunk at a pool party.

The drama explosion… The major battle sequence
Did it feel Real, OK or contrived? n/a
Was it OTT? Of course
Separation involved? Yes
Was it resolved properly or rushed? Properly

Final Notes… This book series is driven by sex with an entertaining story line?

HEA or HFN? n/a