Any additional comments?
3.5 – 4 Stars

I liked this story, it’s one of forgiveness and growing as a person. Both Adrian and Marty have issues that need to be addressed and both learn a lot from each other, about standing up for who you are and about love. Adrian was severely bullied as a teenager and Marty was a part of it and it certainly left a lasting impression on both men. Adrian has become an incredibly strong person, confident and proud and a total Drag Queen star so imagine his surprise when he discovers Marty in the audience. 

Marty doesn’t have an easy life, he hides who he really is and lives a very lonely life. He doesn’t have friends or even connections to other people. He does have the Drag shows though, but when he gets called out one night it makes him question and re-evaluate who he really wants to be. I really did feel bad for him and his struggles even though I didn’t really expect to. I think he really has a good heart, but he thinks his family expectations matter more than what he feels and wants. 

I liked the relationship these two build once they sort through their issues, they seem to really bring out the best in each other. They both have felt an attraction to the other since their ill-fated high school days and it’s sweet to see it finally work for them. I loved the confidence that seemed to grow in both men as well. I would have liked to see more in the growth of their relationship, I felt like the story did jump ahead a bit, but in the end I was happy with the way it all turned out for them. I think Joel Leslie does a great job bringing this story to life and giving it the right amount of feeling. Overall a great an enjoyable story to listen to!