The men (I use the term loosely) in this story with the exception of Nick and Elmer are geldings and the women with the exception of Tara and Tina are useless. Together the main characters are about as useless as a butt plug in a colostomy patient! Grayson doesn’t know where his tools are as a prepper, really??? Grayson understands that the U.S. is in disarray, yet he doesn’t keep a firearm on him wherever he goes.while even on his own property, because no one would ever sneak up on you there… Jake, keeps his unloaded and in his bag!?!?!? Jake also can’t make the connection, that when an assailant is running toward/after you, you eliminate the threat first and then try to get your transport running!. Oh but wait, these people have firearms AND NONE of them have a holster for them, so that they can properly carry them!?!?!? Are you serious???? If these people aren’t the biggest gaggle of maggots!!! The mental acuity of these people is about as graceful as a pregnant elephant with a fifth leg!!! All I wanted to do was reach into the pages and either try to knock some semblance of sense into them or just take them out myself. They’re just too STUPID to survive anything, let alone a grid down situation…
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