I chose this book because Jeffrey Kafer is my guy. However, I am beginning to change my mind. Jeffrey, do you not read the stuff you narrate before you commit yourself to self-flagellation? I gave the performance 3 stars because thankfully, you only regurgitated half of it.

The string of disgusting filth that someone actually allowed to be published deserves an award of its own. You know, the premise of the plot was imaginative. Aliens attack Earth using video games as their war tactic, thinking that this is how the earthlings wage war. It could have been great. Instead, smegma-brained Jeremy Robinson buried it in so much god-awful garbage that it was barely tolerant.

Jeremy ( I refuse to give a grown adult with the mentality of a 10-year-old pervert the honorific of Mr.) I am happy to have been raised in, and continue to live in a world of kindness and morality. You can take this POS and stuff it tattoo it on your choat.