Well I listened to the whole book, so take from that what you will. But the first few words the narrator said, in her breathy sexy voice, already had me rolling my eyes. When she actually tried to read the “sexy” parts she had no range, no where to go with the performance.
The male actor, that voice was incredible, and totally wasted. Each time we heard from him (only like 5 times total and each time short) it was just so he could be arrogant and vulgar. No insight. What he said in dialogue through the female POV, he repeated in inner monologue.
And they were both so boring. We’re supposed to believe Cyn is a badass, but it’s a lot of tell and not much show. And Ryder is an entitled, horny, rapist.
And can we stop with the “my body betrayed me” cliche? Like if you want it, get it. But Cyn goes on and on about being hot for him while telling him in no uncertain terms, no. Her stupid prattling internal monologue isn’t a substitute for consent. Nor is whatever contract, or game that she can’t choose NOT to be a part of, a substitute for consent.
If rapey sex vampire is your thing, fine. But trying to hide it under tropes and tricks just undercuts your female lead.
I have more reasons why I hate this book, but it’s not worth the rant. I did listen to the whole thing. A lot of unanswered questions. But I won’t be returning to the series.