My major problem with this book is in the first book level 23 Lex made the level 1 Jack go in to the tower alone instead of walk him through to level 5 to level him up like they did in this book for the new level 1 hero. The problem with this is in the first book the village was close to collapsing do to the approaching darkness they desperately need a new hero a.k.a Jack to climb the tower to claim loot and return in to the village to push back the darkness, so instead of walking Jack through the levels to protect him and raise his level she makes him do it alone he could easy die and the darkness with continue to approach until it devours them all, IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE. Its like telling a 1 year old that all they need him to do is to cross a field of 10 years old to press a button to save them all instead of having the 25 year olds carry the 1 year old through the 10 year olds he’s on his own. I say one year olds because he knows nothing of this new world and people get annoyed by him when he ask them questions to stay alive in the tower. Its not like there lives depend on him living, its funny in the first book Lex makes him go into the tower by himself then gets pissed at him for almost dieing. THAT DONT MAKE SENSE.