I’ve listened to over 200 (mainly LitRPG) books… I avoided this one for a bit and that’s on me… I judge books sometimes by covers and how it started or by the short preview clip… I had this vibe the guy was going to treat it all like an ex-military soldier and be captain america without powers boring or such(not that Captain America is boring or such)…but besides that I was absolutely wrong. Each book has less than 1% of their reviews with a 1 star and I can see why, this book alone have like a 99.8 5 star review and with more than 5000 reviews that’s pretty amazing. I absolutely loved every single one of these books and I came back to the very first one to leave this review, if you like books that involve characters finding ways to take advantage of every little thing given to them, that go out of there way to do all they can with a good purpose and you feel like the underdog that debatably is losing its shit is your cup of tea while much character development is sprinkled with every other character and in no way overwhelming then you’ll love all this series has to offer.
Review from Dungeon Crawler Carl →