Ms. Knight has created the Mageverse world based on old Arthurian legends-with a lot of twists. In Master of Seduction, Rachel is a small town police deputy who is the descendant of the Majae. After she survives a tragic domestic violence call on the job, she is chosen to receive The Gift of magic. Nathan is a Court Seducer, the vampire assigned to trigger her latent magic by making love to her three times. The story follows the relationship that develops as Nathan tests Rachel’s fighting and mental abilities to insure that she will be able to handle The Gift without going mad in the process.
Narrated by Ada Sinclair, this is a fast paced story. Ms. Sinclair does a great job with all the characters including a particularly haunting voice of a distressed child who Rachel is unable to forget. This voice, more than any other, gives real insight into Rachel’s character and her insecurities.
I recieved a review copy of this audio by the author in exchange for a review. I will be purchasing additional audio books in this series when available because I thoroughly enjoyed it. While this is a complete story with no cliffhanger, the ending did seem a bit abrupt. Personally, I would have loved an Epilogue, but I expect that these characters will make appearances in other books in the series and I look forward to that.