Ok. So a loser insistent on not being a loser is prompted by a hot girl follows the rote of what happens as he recounts gets a catalysing plot development then instead of acting smartly he waxes about how dumb what he did was and then does it. Yes, the narrative style is that all over the place and the story is that shallow. There’s no exploration on the litrpg elements in it… And that’s fine. But why put it in there to begin with. Oh and some author references! Nice. No. It’s terrible.

Let’s see – progression pacing isn’t bad but it doesn’t go anywhere and is frustratingly predictable. So predictable that the narrative itself tells you about it, proceeds to switch tense and then just does it. Actually no, it doesn’t do it. It tells you how the mc feels about it – uses a reference from we other book rather than portray what’s actually happening. Terrible idea. The action tries to be kinetic but does everything possible to distance you from getting involved.

Character exploration and growth? Ugh. Few examples and far between.

The performance of the VAs is good but not their best work. I guess the source text itself is just salvageable only up to a certain point.

I know this is scathing, but understand it’s got interesting elements that just refuse to allow you to put it together.

Anyway. Not for me. But it’s good value to get box set vs blowing credits on individual books. Don’t know if the rest of the series gets better, but as the initial books this hasn’t hooked me.