This entire book series is literally a rip off of multiple Zpoc authors ideas, concepts and even actual writing. Blatant theft.
Literally has stolen from Zombie Fallout, Adrian’s Dead Diary, Undead World, Generation Z, Mountain Man.. and at least a half a dozen others. Your like wait.. this sounds familiar .. did I already hear this? Honestly the book just drones. When the author runs out of other writers works to steal ideas from he resorts to all the characters swearing every other word and the lower than low I crapped my pants. Oh dang I peed myself. Whoopise what that a shart? Yikes I did it again, pooped my pants! The best part is when he is harfing and the narrator actually makes harfing gagging noises! It’s just so very bad.
We are not by any means Zpoc experts, BUT there is little on audible we have not listened to .. literally we have exceeded three thousand hours of zombie literature .. and this is in the top 5 of worst books ever.