Let me start off by saying… Kick-Ass series! Joel Leslie is phenomenal. His narration, delivery, speed changes along with voice changes. You can’t even compare it to someone elses, because there’s no one else to compare it with. He’s that good. If I were a teacher giving this a grade by percentage. Philip Alces comes in second with a 80% Mr. Leslie got a 110%. With bonuses and all. Mr Alces is no slouch. That 80% is well earned. This series will leave you wanting more. Mind you I had nothing to compare this to. It being my first audible book ever. So I’m coming back to review this after I’ve listened to other audibles. So I would have something to compare it to. My warning here is… If you have never ever listened to an audiobook. Don’t start here. Get a little bit under your belt before you start, because this audiobook will ruin every other one, cuz it’s that good! My first audible buy! And yes I’m not telling you about the story because I’ll ruin it for you. Lay your head back, close your eyes and enjoy. See for yourself