This book was truly the definition of an enemies to lovers story and I loved it. That isn’t usually my favorite trope to read, but the way it was done here was great.
Edward and Izzy have an ongoing feud they learn later on is just two people having horrible things happen in their personal lives and that coloring the way they view each other when they first meet.
The way these two sort of lean on each other when they have these huge opportunities together as a result of cosplaying a popular couple in a hit fantasy film really helped build their romance from being purely sexual into something more. Also it has the there’s only one bed trope. What’s not to love.
Forcing the two of them to go to these movie premieres helped them both see the softer and human parts of each other. When Izzy opened up about his brother it felt like a turning point for the two of them coming to realize that maybe they weren’t the type of people each assumed. And this eventually lead to Edward opening up about his family life as well. These true truly were made for each other and help balance each other out in a lot of ways particularly how they help cut through these facades the two keep up.
The narrator was amazing at depicting these two. I loved the vocal tones he choice for Edward and Izzy and it really helped the story come alive.
Overall it was a great continuation to this very nerdy romance series and I can’t wait to finish book three!