I’ll start with the huge FUBAR the author did. Marines ARE NOT soldiers!!! Marines are Marines and the Army are called soldiers!! Major error every time the main character referred to himself and/or his budies as soldiers.

Now then, Ireally enjoyed this book series. The storyline was good and kept moving the story along. It never got hung up in one area two long and got boring. The author did great research in different areas (i.e. weapons, PTSD etc) to make it all sound believable and not forced.

My other complaint is the narrator. While the narrator has a great man’s voice, it is very deep and raspy and he has trouble with female voices and making them believable. I’ve listened to him in other book’s and it was the same thing. He certainly doesn’t ruin the book; just know that all the females are going to sound like chain smokers.

I will buy more from this author.