I’m two books in and don’t think I can make it through.

The male hero is (shockingly!) a former Navy SEAL and SWAT officer. Understandable device to give the character instant street cred, even if it is hackneyed as all get out. Then, at a pivotal moment, this super operator who operates operationally chooses to tackle a bad guy instead of shooting him. This allows the heroine the opportunity to slay the baddie. Stupid, silly, strains credibility…choose your own descriptor. It is like describing a master carpenter, equipped with an excellent hammer, who suddenly starts driving nails with a rolled up scrap of carpet. No.

Then, everything is described as if The Waltons and the Teletubbies were blended into a syrupy blend of prepper Stepford people. I am as bland as can be, and I seem spicy compared to these folks.

Finally, and worst of all, everything is over-explained, and over-described, and over-detailed, and painstakingly repetitive in a manner where I felt compelled to skip ahead…and never missed anything. It’s as if the point was already made, but was belabored continuously and constantly in an unending manner that never ended and continued with even more beginnings of various and sundry descriptions and wordy vanity. Get the point?

I cannot recommend this one, folks.