It was 2005. I had a dream where God showed me a server. Within that server was where we all lived. Stupid dream, I thought. Yes, I was a saved Christian. Not just a Christian but a born again Christian who had repented of his sins and accepted Christ into my heart. Because everyone’s default state was Hell because of Adam’s choice. I am a computer scientist. But back then I was in IT with a philosophy degree and a semester of medical school. I’d heard about simulation theory and thought it was cool but just a theory. I didn’t see the truth yet. A server..and we all live inside of it. Crazy stuff, I thought. I like to write. So in the journal I had started writing for my daughter before she was born I told her that by the time she was 16 the LGBT movement would be huge. It would be all people talked about. Then I got imaginative and wrote that a worldwide virus would hit around this time. And people would withdraw more and more into their virtualized and metaversed worlds. It was an identity issue in my story. We stopped identifying as Gods image and created our own identities. And this was exactly what Satan wanted. I wrote that in 2005. My daughter at 16 read the entry. It was now 2019 and coronavirus just hit. Oddly enough my last name is Coronado. I get what God was telling me. You don’t identify as my creations. You will have a crown (corona) but you will not be crowned (coronado) because you wish to crown yourself. So you will wear a face covering. Your face is a shamed. You cannot speak the truth. Your Kirk is covered. What I don’t agree with in this story is that question: Was it a lone creator? No. God is in three parts. The Father handles timing issues. The Son created. The Holy Spirit binds the three. God creates not out of loneliness. He creates because He’s the creator. My wife draws because she’s an an artist. I write because I’m a writer. God wasn’t lonely. Believe me I can spend all day with God and there’s no lonely there at all!