This series is just so much fun to read. It has a wide variety of characters and each of them have a unique purpose in the story. There is also a lot of snarky humor which I LOVED. The interactions between characters is hilarious. This series will keep you turning pages for sure.

Book 4 Objects of Power
An Evil Wizard Lord wants to increase his power so he takes over a neighboring wizardom. As his power grows, he craves more and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. Meanwhile our group gets divided 2, each trying to retrieve a magical item because of a dark prophecy. There is also a swarm of monsters attacking with The Demon Lord accompanying them. If the group fails then all will perish. Their journey is action packed to keep you guessing,
Book 5 Rise of a Wizard Queen
This one was a great surprise. With wizard lords ruling the wizardoms, when a Queen rises after acquiring a crystal throne all were shocked. Wizard Queens are forbidden and not all will be supportive. As her army grows and the groups become intertwined the story gets kicked into high gear. Men and Wizards will have a fight on their hands if the growing herd of monster’s attack. New plans are made and then nonstop plotting and action. Not all secrets have been revealed yet and many more twists to come.
Book 6 A Contest of Gods
As our group approaches the final epic battle, they must help the new Queen claim all eight wizardoms so she can defeat the Dark Demon Lord that is coming. The Demon Lord is so powerful that they don’t know if he can be defeated. All secrets are out in the open and the results will blow your mind. This is one of the best series I have ever read. I can’t wait for more. I love these characters and highly recommend to anyone,