How could a devastating EMP/nuclear attack story be boring?

Have the main characters thoroughly prepared to the extent they own a sporting goods store and have a pristinely refurbished classic 4×4. Who wants to see characters struggle in any way?

Have every main character be great and awesome and helpful and cheerful. No need for conflict when everybody is so gosh darn swell all the time.

Have every stop for gas be uneventful (bar one). I mean, who would try to guard a scarce resource like gasoline during an apocalypse? Just help yourselves!

Have the fish bite all the time.

Have dynamite fall into your laps, just before you need it for Mad Max style road warrioring!

Have all the bad guys be dumb as a box of rocks. Opposing someone just as smart and dedicated as you is for suckers! Much better if dolts can just be dispatched without real thought or effort.

I listened all the way through, so I gave it 2 stars. Mostly this is a book series that saddens me because of the wasted potential.