Not really a fan how the MC is all over the place in what she wants. First she wants to make a dungeon to kill everyone, but she lets adventures survive for no real reason and it seems like she keeps failing on purpose. Its weird that she tries to act like a “moderator”, so she’s always holding back all the time. I’m not even sure if thats whats shes doing or if she’s just a scatter brained idiot half the time. It just makes no sense how much her dungeon fails on purpose and how happy she is afterwards. Plus, the plot just keeps getting lost in these unrelated side stories that seem so uninteresting. It just sounds more and more dumb the more I listen. The one word “wrath” title is completely misleading, like the author had no idea what to name this book, so “wrath” it is. Great narrators though, especially Jeff Hays. Every male character sounds like a completely different one. He’s the only reason I gave this a shot.