This entire series is wonderful. There are a lot of repetitive words or phrases as other people have commented but it’s done to give a certain feel. It’s a style that you can get used to if you don’t think about it negatively. Like when “he said” is repeated several times in short succession. Just let it wash over you.

Ravensong is probably my favorite of the four but Brothersong is a close second. And Kirk Graves is incredible. He has a few whoopsies where he uses the wrong voice – usually with Robbie but his Boston accent is so authentic that I forgive him. It’s not some cheesy fake thing that people who’ve never been there try to use.

My only issue in this book specifically is the voice that Kirk Graves uses for Gavin. It’s not good. It should sound gravelly and unused, a deep baritone like something on a mountain man. Instead, it’s very childlike and because of his speech patterns, it sounds like someone trying to act like they think a young man with special needs would sound. It’s very off putting since Carter’s voice is deep and rich. You have to constantly remind yourself that Gavin is in his 30s so it doesn’t sound like a man and a teenager.

That aside, the story itself is wonderful and fleshes out Carter in so many layers. And the fact that Brother doesn’t just refer to the Bennet boys. It also refers to Gordo and Gavin and Gordo and Robbie and Mark and Thomas.

Not gonna lie – Jessie is a bad bitch and I want to be her when I grow up. And I would 100% come back for a follow up on Chris, Tanner and Rico who’s banter leaves me in stitches every time.