Kinda boring. Not a whole lot happens throughout the entire book. There’s virtually no plot and feels like you’re just quickly fumbling around.
The ‘romance’ feels super artificial and fake. After finishing this book I know nothing about these two main characters and I don’t believe they know much of anything about eachother either. So the romance feels very physical attraction driven only which makes it feel kinda cringe. I don’t believe at all their romance blossoming when they really don’t even know eachother that well and in such a short time. Not a lot of time was spent exploring who they are as people or quirks or personality traits that might make them easy to attach to. It all felt very rushed.
The lack of anything really happening though is just strange to me. Out of the entire book, no one thought to tell the author that maybe they should include some sort of plot or conflict to work through? Anything? Where was the editor to catch this mistake?
Even the romance lacked a relationship plot as their was no tension, friction and barely any reaction from surrounding people about the romance. You just get no sense of reactions to the relationship and so it just progresses a bit too unbelievably. Legit, these two just never learned a thing about eachother other then some general common knowledge that is known by the public already.
A lack of conflict in every stage of this book just made it very boring to get through.
I guess the only saving grace here is that it was short, didn’t waste much of my time.
Also there is a spicy scene at the end that is nice, a bit short though, and the passion/love just feels super fake given the lack of character or relationship building to make any of it believable.