Jeffrey, as normal your narration was outstanding. Thanks!

Nathan, you seem to have lost your way. You have turned to the dark side. I have read this story time and again from a number of authors. The bad crew “fixed” by the main character and becoming “healed” and efficient once again. Very cliche! I can only assume some self important, uncreative editor suggested this story line; because, this story line is s hands down failure.

The very thing that drew me to the series in the first place, its theme of people caring about each other, working in harmony and succeeding has disappeared.

The use of sexual assault as a basic framework for the story was difficult to swallow. The fact that the officers and senior enlisted accepted sexual assault as “normal” was difficult to swallow. I also found the inability of the officers and senior crew to deal with a few bad and brutal enlisted men, even if they were under the protection of the First Officer, to be disingenuous.

So, I find this story rates very low. Only the narration saved it from bottom marks.

I hope the next in the series is not another trip into darkness, but from the summary it does not look promising.